Program in English Language Teaching - Ph.D.

General Information about the Department

The Ph.D. program's primary objective in English Language Teaching is to help individuals in their academic careers by improving their research skills and knowledge. There are four full professors, four associate professors, and eight assistant professors offering courses and supervising theses in the program. Graduates of the related MA programs (English Language Teaching, English Language and Literature, Linguistics, Translation Studies, etc.) are accepted to the program. Graduates from the Ph.D. program receive a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) diploma.

Career Opportunities

The graduates of the Ph.D. program are given the diploma of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in English Language Teaching. Upon receiving the title, the graduates may work at universities as academicians or continue their careers as independent researchers and/or teachers.

Why should international students choose this department to study

The PhD program in English Language Teaching is designed in high standards following the most recent developments in the respective field. The graduates are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills in foreign language teaching. The courses offered in the program are delivered in English. Therefore, international students can easily follow the courses and write their dissertations under the supervision of high-quality professors of the program. The program attracted many international students in the past and currently has international students continuing their graduate education. This advantage allows prospective students to meet different international students and cultures during their study in the program.